Product Preamble


When it comes to eating healthy, it starts with what we are cooking WITH.  With the endless choices on the store shelves it is hard to know which to choose.

Now, as you all know, Edible or Cooking Oil is Fat of Plant, Animal or Microbial Origin, which is liquid at room temperature and is suitable for food use. Edible Oils consist of about 96% Triacylglycerides, composed of different Fatty Acids. Some other Compounds or Groups of Compounds, such as Free Fatty Acids, Phospholipids, Phytosterols, Tocopherols and other Antioxidants are also found.

The generic term "Vegetable Oil" when used to label a Cooking Oil product refers to a variety of Oils extracted from Olive, Canola, Sunflower, Soy, Corn, Nuts, Seeds, etc.

Categories normally found in Vegetable Oil” are Hydrogenated Edible Oil, Hot Pressed Edible Oils, Refined Edible Oil & Cold Pressed Edible Oil.

But, then, what is the difference between these aforesaid Categories of Oil ?

Hydrogenated Oil is made by forcing Hydrogen Gas into Oil at high pressure. Food companies began using Hydrogenated Oil to help increase shelf life and save costs. During the Hydrogenation process liquid unsaturated fat is turned into a solid fat by adding hydrogen. During this manufactured partially hydrogenated processing, a type of fat called Trans Fat is made, which raises LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, lowers HDL (“good”) cholesterol and has other harmful effects, obviously making it not so fit for consumption.

Hot Pressing involves extracting Oil at high temperatures, and because the acid value rises significantly, it loses most of its natural quality. Therefore Hot Pressed Oils are Refined to make them fit for consumption

Basically, Refined Edible Oil, as the name suggests, is all about filtration of oil through various Chemicals and Heat that makes the final output very light and shiny in texture. Further, Refining Process includes degumming, neutralization, bleaching & deodorization, which makes the oil devoid of its natural color, taste & aroma. The Mechanical Process makes the oilseeds lose majority of its Nutrients that the human body needs on a daily basis. They are only rich in “Bad” Saturated Fat which is not good for Health and is devoid of Nutrition completely. As such, Refined Oil has low-quality constituents, whose contamination cannot be checked with naked eyes, resulting in cheaper prices, on the cost of affecting your health.

Whereas, the process of extracting oil, without heat, through Cold-pressed Method is basic and mechanical. It is similar to the way we extract juice from a manual juicer. No wonder, most of its Nutrition, Natural Physiological & Chemical Properties, “Good” Unsaturated fats [Monounsaturated & Polyunsaturated fats]  and, most importantly, its Original Taste is retained. Cold Pressed Oil is most expensive solely because of its stupendous health endowments, flavour and richness.

When we had started believing that Refined Oils are the best medium for cooking and that they are cheaper in prices, and, keep us safe from Heart disease & Obesity, Scientists turned the tables again by a New Research which says, Cold Pressed Oils are what we must be consuming and not the Refined Ones.

It is important that the Oil we are using in our diet is nutritious, but, the Refined Oil we buy after watching advertisements on TV promising losing of weight with labels like Losorb, Refined, Blanched, Lite, which means that they have been highly processed through extreme heat and are gone through the rigmarole of chemicals & processing and seldom have any nutrients in them. What is the point in adding such oils in our diet which have nothing but empty calories to offer us coupled with harmful effects. Now, let us see the benefits which explain why Cold Pressed Oil is way better than Refined Oil.


They are rich in nutrition

Cold pressed oils contain all essential nutrients like Vitamins, Antioxidants, Phospholipids, Lecithin and Protein too !

They are free from harmful chemicals

While Refining, various Chemicals are used like Sodium, Hexane, Hydroxide, Bleaching Agents, Sodium bicarbonate etc. Cold Pressed Oils are totally Organic and free from chemicals like Gallate, Propyl, BHT, BHA which are mentioned as preservatives in other oils which are very toxic. If you prefer living organically healthy & fit, you must think about switching to Cold Pressed Oils.

Low Cholesterol

Cold pressed oils are extracted with less heat which saves all nutrition and is great for skin and helps in losing weight as it is easy to digest due to low cholesterol level.

Boosts Immune System

The natural Antioxidants in Cold Pressed Oil help reducing radical cell damage in our body and they are also rich in vitamin E, with properties like healing and anti-inflammation.

Some Cold Pressed Oils available in market are Coconut oil, Sesame oil, Groundnut oil, Olive oil & Flaxseed oil.

Switch to JS AGRO Cold Pressed Sesame Oil, JS AGRO Cold Pressed Groundnut Oil, JS AGRO Cold Pressed Coconut Oil and feel the taste of your health.

For JS AGRO Product, Packaging range and the respective attendant Health Benefits please check on our Product Category.